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Can Mathematics give you anxiety?
Time for math! –– again. Your heart starts racing, your hands starts sweating, you can feel the hollowness in your stomach, and the fear...

Top 50 The Most Sought-After Schools of 2020
A questionnaire was sent to students between January 2020 and September 2020, which requested them to share a list of schools they...

Selection Policy for State Schools in the UK
With the introduction of the new ‘Hong Kong BN(O) Visa’, HK families have more choices of schools to select for when planning their...

近期討論得火熱的BNO 5+1方案讓人躍躍欲試,不過要離開熟悉的家鄉到異地生活也並非易事,能找到合適又能安頓下來的工作更不在話下。究竟這趟留英之旅該如何規劃? 若您正在考慮到英國生活但又有所保留,或正在擔心找工作的事情,不如選擇在剛到埗的第一年,就讀一年制授課型碩士...
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