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Can Mathematics give you anxiety?
Time for math! –– again. Your heart starts racing, your hands starts sweating, you can feel the hollowness in your stomach, and the fear...
Top 50 The Most Sought-After Schools of 2020
A questionnaire was sent to students between January 2020 and September 2020, which requested them to share a list of schools they...
Selection Policy for State Schools in the UK
With the introduction of the new ‘Hong Kong BN(O) Visa’, HK families have more choices of schools to select for when planning their...
近期討論得火熱的BNO 5+1方案讓人躍躍欲試,不過要離開熟悉的家鄉到異地生活也並非易事,能找到合適又能安頓下來的工作更不在話下。究竟這趟留英之旅該如何規劃? 若您正在考慮到英國生活但又有所保留,或正在擔心找工作的事情,不如選擇在剛到埗的第一年,就讀一年制授課型碩士...
選科攻略一 就讀較容易在英國求職的課程
不少經歷了國外生活的英國留學生,基於工時、工作環境、文化、氣候等考慮,都會希望畢業後嘗試留英工作。成功取得工作簽證固然不容易,但若學生在大學選科前,先參考英國現時人力需求短缺的專業並報讀相關課程,相信能大大提高日後獲聘機會。以下是整合了英國上月更新的短缺的工種 : 1....
很多沒有BNO、手持香港特區護照的 97後學生和家長想了解英國留學後的居留辦法,PSW簽證或有望成爲一條穩陣留英的出路。早前英國政府宣布重啟畢業生工作簽證Post-Study Work visa (PSW),讓2020-21學年及之後入學並畢業的國際學生留英2年尋找工作機會...
Apply to College: Early Action vs Early Decision Vs Regular Decision
Once you have decided which schools you will apply, you must determine what type of application is best for you. Options vary from Early...
SAT? ACT? Which one should you choose?
The ACT and SAT have been both recognized by many university acceptances in the United States but students to this day are still unsure...
Does anger come innately deep within us?
If you turn on your local televised news broadcast, I can guarantee you’ll not be short on seeing violent tragedies including school...
3 things to consider when choosing your degree course
The directive “Follow your heart!” is incredibly liberating – particularly appealing at the moment when you need to make major life...
SAT fans rejoice!
In a 2018 survey the SAT welcome 2.1 million while the ACT shyed around 1.9 million test takers. The 0.2 million difference in the number...
3 ways parents can create a positive learning environment
Aspiring your child to succeed in school is probably the most admirable trait any parent can possess. An ambitious goal is not a goal...
Staying active in the summer!
Summer is here. Which means two things. Number one, you’re going to melt every time you step foot outdoors and number two, you’re out of...
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